- Brown, C.D., R. Hanner, B. Philipps, M. Steeves, L. Sumner, and M.F. Docker* (2024) Environmental DNA surveillance of a legacy invader: using eDNA for sea lamprey larval assessment. International Congress on the Biology of Fish (ICBF), Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 2024. Invited Speaker.
- Carim, K.J., G. Auringer, M.F. Docker*, C.B. Renaud, B.J. Clemens, M. Blanchard, C. Parker, and M.K. Young (2024) A new lamprey genus and cryptic species: Underappreciated diversity in western North America. American Fisheries Society (AFS) Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, September 2024.
- Docker, M., N. Zeinstra, B. (Litke) Keber, and R. Hanner (2024) Using environmental (eDNA) to map the distribution of SARA-listed native lampreys in the Great Lakes. 8th Annual Lamprey Information Exchange. Seattle, Washington, December 2024. Invited Speaker.
- Docker, M.F. (2024) Environmental DNA and transcriptional profiling to improve sustainability of freshwater fisheries and fish culture Genome Canada Large-Scale Applied Research Project (LSARP). Presentation to the Genome Prairie Board of Directors Meeting. October 2024.
- Docker, M.F. (2024) Using genetics and genomics to inform the conservation and management of freshwater fishes. Department of Biology, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, October 2024.
- Docker, M.F., C.J. Garroway, P.D. Grayson, S.V. Good, A.E. Wright, and T. Yasmin (2024) Sex determination in an ancient fish: The sea lamprey story. International Congress on the Biology of Fish (ICBF), Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 2024. Invited Speaker.
- Gendron, H., R. Tallman, M. Docker, R. Stern, T. Loewen, and S. Wiley (2024) Arctic charr in a warming climate: prosper or perish? ArcticNet, Ottawa, Ontario, December 2024.
- Karachaliou E., C. Schmidt, E. de Greef, M.F. Docker, and C.J. Garroway (2024) Urbanization drives genetic diversity declines in marine fish populations globally. 7th International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC7), Cape Town, South Africa, October 2024.
- Karachaliou E., E. de Greef., J. Suurväli, C. Müller, C.J. Garroway, and M.F. Docker (2024) Past, present & future sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) conservation genomics. Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE), July 2024.
- Karachaliou E., J. Suurväli, E. de Greef, C. Müller, C.J. Garroway, and M.F. Docker (2024) Native sea lamprey evolutionary history and conservation implications. American Fisheries Society (AFS), Honolulu, Hawaii, September 2024.
- Karachaliou E., J. Suurväli, E. de Greef, C.J. Garroway, and M.F. Docker (2024) Current and future vulnerability across the sea lamprey native range. Sea Lamprey Webinar – County Administrative Board of Halland County, Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management and SLU Swedish Species Information Centre, November 2024. Invited Speaker (Virtual).
- Wilkie, M.P., M.J. Lawrence, D. Mitrovic, L.M. Bragg, M.R. Servos, M.F. Docker, and K.M. Jeffries (2024) How the hypercarnivorous ancestry of parasitic lampreys may have made them vulnerable to lampricides. Canadian Society of Zoologists (CSZ) Annual Meeting, Moncton, New Brunswick, May 2024.
- Zeinstra, N.J., M.F. Docker, and R.H. Hanner (2024) Monitoring native lamprey populations with environmental DNA (eDNA) to inform lampricide application. Canadian Ecotoxicology Workshop (CEW), Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario (Poster), October 2024.
- Zeinstra, N.J., M.F. Docker, and R.H. Hanner (2024) Using eDNA to monitor native lamprey species populations in the Great Lakes. Government Environmental Working Group (GEDWG), Columbus, Ohio (Poster), September 2024.
- Anderson, M., W.G. Anderson, and M.F. Docker (2023) Detecting Lake Sturgeon in the Winnipeg River using eDNA: The flood vs. the fish. Society of Canadian Aquatic Sciences (SCAS), Montreal, Quebec, February 2023.
- Audet, K.J., A.A. Khan, and M.F. Docker (2023) Monitoring fish stocks of Lake Winnipeg using traditional gillnet index surveys and non-invasive environmental DNA (eDNA) techniques. Society of Canadian Aquatic Sciences (SCAS), Montreal, Quebec (Poster), February 2023.
- Baker, C., S. Mahlum, E. White, A. Khan, and M. Docker (2023) Using pheromones and environmental DNA to detect the pouched lamprey (Geotria australis). American Fisheries Society (AFS), Grand Rapids, Michigan, August 2023.
- Brown, C., R. Hanner, and M.F. Docker (2023) Effectiveness of environmental DNA for routine larval monitoring of invasive Sea Lamprey. International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR), Toronto, Ontario (Poster), May 2023.
- Brown, C., R. Hanner, and M. Docker (2023) Using environmental DNA to monitor the invasive Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). Society of Canadian Aquatic Sciences (SCAS), Montreal, Quebec, February 2023.
- Docker, M.F., C.J. Garroway, P.D. Grayson, S.V. Good, A.E. Wright, and T. Yasmin (2023) Sex determination in sea lamprey: One small step towards genetic control in the Great Lakes. International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR), Toronto, Ontario, May 2023.
- Docker, M.F., K. Harder, A.A. Khan, B.M. Litke, and J.L. Ogden (2023) Using environmental DNA to inform conservation decisions for freshwater fishes in Canada. Canadian Society of Zoologists (CSZ), Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, May 2023.
- Docker, M.F., C.J. Garroway, P.D. Grayson, and A. Wright (2023) Sex determination in sea lamprey: nature or nurture? Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE), Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 2023.
- Docker, M.F., C.J. Garroway, P.D. Grayson, S.V. Good, A.E. Wright, and T. Yasmin (2023) Sex determination in sea lamprey: One small step towards genetic control. American Fisheries Society (AFS), Grand Rapids, Michigan, August 2023.
- Guxholli, R., S. Pavey, and M. Docker (2023) Environmental DNA applications: Developing species-specific cytochrome b qPCR assays for Canadian freshwater fishes. Pathway to Increase Standards and Competency of eDNA Surveys (PISCeS), Guelph, Ontario, June 2023.
- Hume, J.B., T. Searcy, N. Johnson, M.P. Wilkie, J. Rinchard, R. Lampman, M. Docker, K. Jeffries, T. Bruning, S. Bennis, and S. Good (2023) Influence of temperature and food on growth of wild-caught larval sea lamprey. American Fisheries Society (AFS), Grand Rapids, Michigan, August 2023.
- Karachaliou, E., J. Suurväli, G. Evanno, T. Castro-Santos, M. Wilkie, M. Jóhannsson, B. Jónsson, J. Baer, F. Bracken, C. Mateus, M. Svensson, E. Thysell, T. Evans, M. Fisk, G.M. Hogue, C.J. Garroway, and M.F. Docker (2023) Using whole genome re-sequencing to uncover population structure in anadromous sea lamprey across its native range. Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE), Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 2023.
- Keen, A., T. Yasmin, M. Docker, and S.V. Good (2023) Understanding the origin of the HPG axis in vertebrates: a molecular comparative approach using sea lamprey. Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE), Winnipeg, Manitoba (Poster), June 2023.
- Litke, B.M., A.A. Khan, C. Brown, and M.F. Docker (2023) Using environmental DNA (eDNA) to track elusive freshwater fishes of conservation concern in Manitoba and the Great Lakes. Society of Canadian Aquatic Sciences (SCAS), Montreal, Quebec, February 2023.
- Ogden, J.L., M.F. Docker, M.L. Mahoney, P. Grayson, J. Suurväli, and C.J. Garroway (2023) Delineating management units for invasive sea lamprey populations in the Great Lakes. Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE), Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 2023.
- Suurväli, J., E. Karachaliou, J.L. Ogden, M.L. Mahoney, P. Grayson, K.M. Jeffries, M.F. Docker, and C.J. Garroway (2023) Invasive vampires or charming natives? Rethinking the history of sea lamprey in freshwater lakes. Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE), Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 2023.
- Wilkie, M.P., M.J. Lawrence, P. Grayson, D. Mitrovic, L.M. Bragg, M.R. Servos, M.F. Docker, and K.M. Jeffries (2023) What sea lamprey, cats and hyenas have in common. Society for Experimental Biology (SEB), Edinburgh, UK, July 2023.
- Wilson, C., M. Docker, C. Jerde, B. Locke, D. Lodge, A. Welsh, and P. Breault (2023) Improving Environmental DNA (eDNA) Reliability for Resource Management. Pathway to Increase Standards and Competency of eDNA Surveys (PISCeS), Guelph, Ontario (Poster), June 2023.
- Yasmin, T., P.D. Grayson, M.F. Docker, and S.V. Good (2023) The function of germline restricted chromosomes in sea lamprey gonad development. Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE), Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 2023.
- Anderson, M., G. Anderson, and M. Docker (2022) Detecting spawning activity of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) using eDNA. The North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society (NASPS), Folsom California, October 2022.
- Audet, K.J., A.A. Khan, and M.F. Docker (2022) Nothing but water: Comparing biases in monitoring fish stocks of Lake Winnipeg using a non-invasive environmental DNA (eDNA) technique and traditional gillnet index surveys. Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop (CEW), Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 2022.
- Audet, K.J. (2022) Lightning talk presentations. FishCAST Annual General Meeting Virtual (3-Minute Oral Presentation), September 2022.
- Brown, C., R. Hanner, and M. Docker (2022) Largescale validation of an environmental DNA monitoring protocol for larval invasive sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop (CEW), Winnipeg, Manitoba (Poster), October 2022.
- Carim, K., D. Larson, J. Helstab, M. Young, and M. Docker (2022) Varying genetic structure of Entosphenus tridentatus and Lampetra species from subbasin to continental scales. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Virtual Meeting, March 2022.
- Docker, M., M. Anderson, K. Audet, K. Harder, A. Khan, B. Litke, C. Risbey, and L. Verhaeghe (2022) Something’s in the water: Using environmental DNA to track freshwater fishes. University of Manitoba’s Darwin Day Virtual Meeting (Poster), February 2022.
- Ferreira-Martins, D. J. Champer, D. McCauley, Z. Zhang, and M. Docker. Genetic control of invasive sea lamprey in the Great Lakes. International Congress on the Biology of Fish (ICBF), Montpellier, France, June 2022.
- Jeffries, K.M., M.J. Lawrence, J. Suurväli, P. Grayson, M.F. Docker, and C.J. Garroway (2022) Transcriptomic and genomic approaches to assess the potential for lampricide resistance to evolve in invasive sea lamprey. Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop (CEW), Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 2022.
- Karachaliou, E., C. Schmidt, M.F. Docker, and C.J. Garroway (2022) Environmental & human disturbance effects on global marine genetic diversity. Ecological Society of America-Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution (ESA-CSEE) Joint Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, August 2022.
- Karachaliou, E. (2022) Implications of marine genetic diversity patterns on conservation & management: what can we learn from anadromous sea lamprey & publicly archived genetic data? Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC) Brown Bag Seminar Series, Portland, Oregon, August 2022.
- Karachaliou, E., C.J. Garroway, P. Grayson, G. Evanno, M.F. Docker (2022) Whole genome re-sequencing uncovers historic transoceanic divergence in anadromous sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus – implications for conservation & management. Fourth ICES PICES Early Career Scientist Conference, St. John’s, Newfoundland (Poster), July 2022. Best Poster Award.
- Khan, A.A., B.M. Litke, C.A. Risbey, K.J. Audet, M. Anderson, and M.F. Docker (2022) “Gone Fishing”: Using environmental DNA (eDNA) and citizen science to assess the presence of stocked fishes in FortWhyte Alive’s lakes. Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop (CEW), Winnipeg, Manitoba (Poster), October 2022.
- Lawrence, M., P. Grayson, J. Jeffrey, M. Docker, C. Garroway, J. Wilson, R. Manzon, M. Wilkie, and K. Jeffries. 2022. The transcriptomic basis of 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) sensitivity in fishes. International Congress on the Biology of Fish (ICBF), Montpellier, France, June 2022.
- Litke, B.M., A.A. Khan, and M.F. Docker (2022) “Where are they now?”: Using environmental DNA (eDNA) to track freshwater fishes of conservation concern in Manitoba. Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop (CEW) (Poster), Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 2022.
- Suurväli, J., P. Grayson, M.L. Mahoney, J.L. Ogden, E. Karachaliou, M.J. Lawrence, K.M. Jeffries, M.F. Docker, and C.J. Garroway (2022) Genomic signatures of adaptation in invasive sea lamprey of the Laurentian Great Lakes. Ecological Society of America-Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution (ESA-CSEE) Joint Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, August 2022.
- Suurväli, J., P. Grayson, M.L. Mahoney, J.L. Ogden, E. Karachaliou, M.J. Lawrence, K.M. Jeffries, M.F. Docker, and C.J. Garroway (2022) Adapting to a new life history: invasive sea lamprey in the Laurentian Great Lakes. International Congress on the Biology of Fish (ICBF), Montpellier, France, June 2022.
- Wilkie, M.P., J. Sunga, M.F. Docker, and J.M. Wilson. Effects of a blood diet and habitat on the gill ion transport machinery of parasitic and non-parasitic lampreys. International Congress on the Biology of Fish (ICBF), Montpellier, France, June 2022.
- Yasmin T., M. Thorstensen, M.F. Docker and S.V. Good (2022) A comparative transcriptomic approach to identify sex- and stage-specific novel and known genes involved in gonad differentiation and development in sea lamprey. Canadian Society of Zoologists Annual Meeting (Virtual), May 2022.
- Yasmin T., M. Thorstensen, M.F. Docker and S.V. Good (2022) Differential gene and isoform expression of HPG axis related genes during lamprey gonadogenesis. Ecological Society of America-Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution (ESA-CSEE) Joint Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, August 2022.
- Ajmani, N., T. Yasmin, M.F. Docker, and S.V. Good (2021) Transcriptomic analysis of gonadal development in chestnut and northern brook lampreys (Ichthyomyzon spp.) using sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) genomic resources. CCFFR-SCL Virtual Meeting (Poster), February 2021.
- Anderson, M., A. Khan, G. Anderson, and M. Docker (2021) Using eDNA to monitor spatial and temporal distribution of Lake Sturgeon in the Winnipeg River. The North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society (NASPS) Virtual Meeting (Poster), October 2021.
- Grayson, P., C. Garroway, A.E. Wright, and M.F. Docker (2021) Sex determination in Great Lakes sea lamprey. CCFFR-SCL Virtual Meeting, February 2021.
- Good, S.V., T. Yasmin, and M.F. Docker (2021) Comparative approaches to identify genes of interest for biocontrol in sea lamprey. CCFFR-SCL Virtual Meeting, February 2021.
- Harder, K.G., A.A. Khan, and M.F. Docker (2021) Monitoring Carmine Shiner distribution in Manitoba using non-invasive environmental DNA (eDNA). CCFFR-SCL Virtual Meeting (Poster), February 2021.
- Hasler, C. M.J. Lawrence, P. Grayson, M.F. Docker (2021) The future of invasive fish biology: detection and control through fundamental science and emerging technologies. CCFFR-SCL Virtual Meeting (Session), February 2021.
- Karachaliou, E., C. Garroway, P. Grayson, G. Evanno, and M.F. Docker (2021) Reconstructing anadromous sea lamprey evolutionary history – implications for management & conservation. CCFFR-SCL Virtual Meeting, February 2021.
- Karachaliou, E., C. Schmidt, M.F. Docker, C.J. Garroway (2021) Global drivers of genetic diversity in marine fish species. CSEE Virtual Meeting, August 2021.
- Lawrence, M.J., D. Mitrovic, D. Foubister, L. Bragg, J. Sutherby, M.F. Docker, M. Servos, M. Wilkie, and K.M. Jeffries (2021). Contrasting physiological responses between invasive sea lamprey and non-target bluegill in response to acute lampricide exposure. CCFFR-SCL Virtual Meeting, February 2021.
- Litke, B., A.A. Khan, B. Bone, and M.F. Docker (2021) Using environmental DNA (eDNA) to rescue Chestnut Lamprey in Manitoba from the dreaded Data Deficient category. CCFFR-SCL Virtual Meeting (Poster), February 2021.
- Mahoney, M.L., M.F. Docker, P. Grayson, J.L. Ogden, and C. Garroway (2021) Local adaptations in invasive sea lamprey in the Great Lakes and Finger Lakes. CCFFR-SCL Virtual Meeting, February 2021.
- Mahoney, M., C. Garroway, P. Grayson, J. Ogden, J. Suurväli, and M. Docker (2021) Local adaptation in invasive sea lamprey. CSEE Virtual Meeting, August 2021.
- Mochnacz, N.J., M.F. Docker, and D.J. Isaak (2021) Climate warming effects on a cold-water stenothermal fish occurring near a northern geographical range boundary. CCFFR-SCL Virtual Meeting, February 2021.
- Ogden, J.L., M.F. Docker, P. Grayson, M.L. Mahoney, and C. Garroway (2021) Fine-scale population structure of invasive sea lamprey in the Great Lakes and Finger Lakes. CCFFR-SCL Virtual Meeting, February 2021.
- Ogden, J., M. Docker, P. Grayson, M. Mahoney, and C. Garroway (2021) Genetic and morphological structure in invasive sea lamprey populations. CSEE Virtual Meeting, August 2021.
- Suurväli, J., P. Grayson, J.L. Ogden, M.L. Mahoney, E. Karachaliou, M.F. Docker, and C. Garroway (2021) Reconstructing the demographic history of sea lamprey colonization of the Great Lakes using whole genome sequences. CCFFR-SCL Virtual Meeting, February 2021.
- Suurväli, J., P. Grayson, J.L. Ogden, M.L. Mahoney, E. Karachaliou, M.F. Docker, and C.J. Garroway (2021) Demographic history of sea lamprey in the Great Lakes. CSEE Virtual Meeting, August 2021.
- Yasmin, T., S.V. Good, and M.F. Docker (2021) Identification of gonad-specific genes in the ovary and testis of sea lamprey: A genome guided de novo transcriptomic assembly approach. CCFFR-SCL Virtual Meeting, February 2021.
- Yasmin, T., P. Grayson, M. Docker, and S. Good (2021) Germline-specific genes in sea lamprey plays key role in spermatogenesis. CSEE Virtual Meeting, August 2021.
- Yasmin, T., P. Grayson, M.F. Docker, and S.V. Good (2021) The germline-specific region in sea lamprey genome plays a key role in spermatogenesis. The 2nd AsiaEvo Conference, Virtual Meeting, June 2021.
- Docker, M.F., M. VanGerwen-Toyne, A.A. Khan, B. Bone, and K.G. Harder (2020) Using eDNA to map distribution of fish species of conservation concern in Manitoba: native lampreys and Carmine Shiner. 80th Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois, January 2020.